Jamie T music video analysis


The sticks ‘n’ stones video is similar to many indie/alternative rock videos. The video stars Jamie T singing throughout the video whilst doing different things. The style of the video is meant to be amateur looking so it comes across like a friend has filmed him singing casually than a set up performance, i believe this ads intimacy to the video making it feel more real.

Also has the iconography of many of other videos of this genre with a slightly dark feel to the video at points where they are causing trouble and breaking things, these images reflect the lyrics.

There are lots of close ups and extreme close of shots of Jamie T throughout the video, this is to create star iconography again making the video feel more intimate than others, this is a common convention with this genre.


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The camera work for the video has been done intelligently to create s certain affect, the majority of shots being close ups with straight on angle of Jamie T which as i said creates intimacy.Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 09.49.21

As the video progresses the video gets a but darker and more characters are introduced, these shots were mainly medium long shots so the whole group people could be in the picture. Also they have used low angles with with shots because it makes them look more intimidating.Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 09.48.11

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A common convention with music videos is for the visuals and shots is for the cuts between shots to get a lot faster as the tempo of the video gets faster which happens as music video goes on. They have also put cutaway shots into the video as it progresses chronological order the video refers back to the shot of Jamie T and clown.Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 09.45.33


The setting for the video is all on location, the video has been filmed in urban areas to make the video look a certain way, but also as it gets darker in changes to dark buildings ect.