Gossling Digi-Pak Analysis



The album cover I am going to be analysing is by Gossling and Its called Harvest of Gold. I have decided to analyse this for a number of reasons, firstly because it fits in to the same genre of music our music video is from (Electronica) and there’s a hidden truth behind what you first see. I have also chosen to do this because there is also only one person in the photo which is very common in this type of genre.

The first point I would like to pick up on is the colour scheme used, as you can see there are no bright colours which stand out from the page. The colours used are all faded out and only used in the shape of the actor’s upper torso! By doing this it creates a sense of unknowing for the audience, there is clearly a hidden message behind the colours. I think they have done this to try and represent the confused state the singer is in. All the colours are blended together which could represent how she cannot think straight and something is messing up her mind.

The next point is the lines going through her head and neck, this backs up my belief I made earlier about her not being able to think straight. It leaves so many questions with the audience which keeps their attention firmly on this. Another theory could be the lines are ropes which are holding her back, this could resemble a drug addiction or even a relationship which went wrong.

One of the main reasons I liked it was due to the tidiness of the whole cover, it doesn’t look crammed full and over loaded with pictures, colours and writing. It is a very simple yet clever cover which makes people wants to find out more about the album. As a group we want to create something which has a far deeper meaning then what it looks like.