Arctic Monkeys music video analysis


Arctic Monkeys ‘why’d you only call me when you’re high’

This video follows lead singer Alex Turner as he begins to hallucinate under the influence of drugs and alcohol. It shows a key link between lyrics and visuals(which is one of the key music video conventions). For example the lyrics “the mirrors image, tells me it’s home time” is clearly shown in the bathroom scene, where he finds himself hallucinating in the mirror.


Another scene that shows a key link with visuals is his hallucination of what is on the sign corresponding to a text message he receives.


Another convention is music and visuals, this shown in the scene where Alex falls onto the ground and the music completely stops, to give a feel as if we are there, as if we feel what he does.

This close up shot is very important to this music video for two reasons:

1) STAR IDENTIFICATION: they allows us to see what the artists look like and for them to establish a recognisable image.

2) INTIMACY: the close up enables the audience to establish an ‘intimate’ relationship with the star, they can also see their emotions and expressions when performing the lyrics. The close up gives them access they would never have in real life. In this example it allows us to experience the confusion Alex feels when he is seeing things that aren’t really there.

Alex turner takes his style from the early mod ages such as suits with slim ties, along with current styles such as leather jackets and hair modelled on Elvis.


The video may help to develop the artists own style or star iconography – which then becomes recognisable beyond the video.

Many artists have used music video to develop their own iconography (things which symbolise them and their star identity).