Arctic Monkeys CD Analysis


The Arctic Monkeys album ‘Whatever people say i am, i’m not’ is the one that I’ve chosen to analyse, i like this album cover because of how basic it is but is clearly good on the eye.

This is one of the inspirations for our album cover, arctic monkeys music is slightly heavier than the stone roses but the genre is similar. This style of having a performer or one person on the front is common.

I personally like the simplistic style with graphics because i think that is more appealing for the audience, it looks clean and tidy and is easy on the eye. Often with simply looking designs they are the most recognised and people will remember them the best.

The back of the CD cover is the track list, again this is a simple piece of work but again it looks ver appealing. For this piece i think the photography is very good, it catches the emotion of the performer and arguably the feel of the album is portrayed within the photography and design of this cover.