Q3 Audience Feedback

What we received from our feedback:

We were very happy with the feedback we received from our audience. The overall consensus was that it fitted the iconic lifestyle of our genre and this was presented well through our main character and the experience he has. Some comments that we were happy to here were “8 out 10 for the flow” and “9 out 10 for our digi pak, it has great synergy with the video”. Having receiving all positive comments really boosts our confidence about the authentic look our video has.

Favourite scenes:

Our target audience found that the point of view shots worked well as well as the shot at he car which first indicates that the main character is getting paranoid, our audience felt our use of these shots helped to portray the paranoia of our main character well and helped the audience understand his emotions better through the point of view shots. The fact our target audience liked these scenes and felt they helped them to relate to the character gives us a good sense that a wider amount of our target audience will feel the same.

Things the audience were surprised with:

Upon interviewing them we found our audience didn’t see the ending coming. The idea of the two versions of himself came as a good twist for the ending. The live performance was also surprisingly good, even though it is often used in our genre, the fact we managed to get some that fitted so well was a good, as well as the way it went from day- night, as if they were experiencing the flashback with him.

Improvements we could have made:

From the feedback we received we found that the audience felt our video could have been a bit longer as it just about hits 3 minutes, this however did not appear to be a big problem as the story came to a conclusive ending within the time. Also the different versions of himself could have been made more clear throughout rather than just at the end (we took this on board and decided to contrast past and present with different colours).