CD digi pak planning

What is the artist name for your album? What is the album name?

Teddy C, the album will be called voodoo people, as it is the name of the song, he will be based upon Jack O’Connell aka Cook from skins, as the style and look is how we want our artist to look like.

What conventions do CD covers in your genre tend to have?

Music videos of this genre tend to have an old feel to them with a psychedelic meaning. They tend to have deeper mean that what the cover actually looks like which can be linked to there personal life.


For example the cover above gives the sense of a deeper mean than just a man with a painted puzzle on him. If you looked into the background of the artist you will find out that his mother recently dies before the release of the album and so the missing puzzle piece could represent his mother

Which CD covers have influenced your work?

Many album covers has influenced our decision on our own cover, for example the stone roses, and the Beatles due to the almost psychedelic feel they have on their covers, the whole drug seen is very prompt within their early albums. We also were influenced by The Prodigy and Pendulum as they are the front runners within their genre.


Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 11.34.07



What will your main image show? Will you feature your artist or something different? What will your image signify?

In our group we have decided to only have the main artist in the music cover. We chose to do this because in our music videos there really only feature one main person walking around.

Will there be any link (synergy) between your video and your digipak?

Yes, there will be direct link between the video and the Digipak. In the video there will be our main actor being followed by these people in mask and in digipak there will be a similar resemblance.

What kind of fonts / colour schemes will you use?

We will be using quite dark depression fonts as we feel this suits our video the best. Our music video is quite dark a depression so we feel it suits it well as the idea of seeing things, is quiet a dark thought, so using effects to link weather/ gloom to relate to personal emotion works well.