Setting sun video analysis

The Chemical Brothers- Setting sun music video analysis


  • Idea behind the video: This music video basically follows a young girl under the influence of drugs the video is set between the past and the current time, they also overlap at times. It begins with her on the floor and follows her journey home only for it to revert back to past in order to understand or feel how she does when she is under the influence.



  • First scene: The first scene opens with the girl led on the floor, looking confused where she is or why she is there. It then goes on to follow from a point of view shot as she speedily walks out of this area:

Camerawork- it begins with a Medium Close Up (MCU) this shot is used to show the main character herself and her surroundings which couldn’t have been done in a closer shot. The shot is also at a canted angle to give the viewer a feel of unity with the main character, as if you are there facing her.

Editing- The use of a transition early on is a hint that this video has a psychedelic feel, the transition itself feels ‘trippy’. It then goes onto a long take which is sped up to make it feel weird and in keeping with what we’ve already seen.


  • Camerawork: This video includes a large amount of different types of shots. The point of view shot is featured a large amount throughout, I feel this is used to connect the viewer the how this character is feeling, this is also done with the use of effects, as if you are looking through her eyes. I think the extreme close up is used to show how distraught and confused she looks when she doesn’t seem to know why or how she ended up where she has.


  • Editing: In this video there are different editing techniques used to portray the emotions of confusion and paranoia due to the circumstances she finds herself in. From the beginning the use of effects is prominent, as soon as it changes to a point of view shot the shot begins to become unfocussed and blurry, which gives the viewer an indication she has been or is still under the influence of drugs. The shot reserve shot is used frequently to give an understanding to the viewer of why this girl looks so distraught when looking out her blinds, it allows us to see what she sees which appears to be a rave right outside her home. The use of CGI to create the seen in which is transported into the rave brings the whole video together as we are finally able to understand that she was there the whole time.


  • Mise En Scene: The costume design of the main character shows a girl under the influence due to her eyes, messy hair and paleness in her face. The Production design behind it is a rave scene, seen mostly through the eyes of the girl, the vision is blurry and psychedelic. The lighting is low key and gloomy. I feel this signifies the darkness and unknowing feeling that she is experiencing.

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